What I Spent This Week | Highlights and Insights

Liz and Less
Join me on my debt free journey as I pay off 23k in debt (credit cards and student loans) as a single parent/solo income household with no real assets. I’m basically here to change my life. I’m also an Aussie in the USA, I receive a bi-weekly paycheck but I cash stuff weekly since I feel less broke giving myself grocery and sinking fund money on a weekly basis.

S T A R T I N G D E B T: $13695.56
✔️ SEP 1: $12674
✔️ OCT 1: $11414
✔️ NOV 1: $10327
✅ Sent to debt NOV MTD: $20

☕ B U Y M E A C O F F E E (if you want but you don’t have to!)
—- any contributions go to my debt snowball, unless specified otherwise

🤍 T H I S V I D E O
00:10 I share stories of 2012 Liz who was in a word of financial idiocy and share dumb things I did with money
01:30 I go through the last week of where the money went and some dumb purchases of the week
07:51 Savings challenges purchased from Coffee & Budget
08:44 COMMENT OF THE VIDEO goes to EA Douglas’ Money

🤍 C H A N N E L S M E N T I O N E D
@Coffee and Budget and @EA Douglas’ Money

🤍 M Y G E A R
External mic
PC mic

🤍 M E A L P L A N N I N G:

🤍 F T C D I S C L A I M E R
Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me! Any links are for products that I have paid for out of pocket and love and just want to share.

🤍 I A M N O T A N E X P E R T
This vlog is reflective of my personal opinions and experiences and is not to be construed as financial advice. Please consult with your attorney, accountant, and/or tax advisor for advice concerning your particular circumstances.

🤍 M U S I C
Music in my videos is from Uppbeat. I truly love the service and used the ten free credits for a long time before committing to a subscription.

🤍 H A S H T A G S
#cashstuffing #cashenvelopes #debtfreejourney #financialgoals #sinkingfunds #debt #budget #savingmoney #budgetbypaycheck #budgeting #spendingtracker #debtfreejourney #theinflationgames #lowincome